GPS Monument Information
Cal State University Northridge -- early SCIGN station -- July, 1995
The overall design philosophy of these drilled-braced GPS monuments
is to create a highly rigid
space-frame which is isolated from the surface soil to some depth (typically 4
meters) and then cemented in place below.
The minimum number of angled pipes required to constrain the space-frame in
three directions would be three - we use four angled plus one vertical pipe to
provide redundancy and longer life.
A very brief description of the steps involved in building one of these
monuments is available here.
Each of the drawings is available in both PostScript (to download and send
to your local printer) and GIF (to view with your web browser) formats.
Design and Construction Drawings
Drilled and Braced Monument
- Overall assembly drawing:
GIF format (10 kB) or
PostScript format (98 kB)
- Overall surface assembly drawing:
GIF format (14 kB) or
PostScript format (53 kB)
- Overall sub-surface assembly drawing:
GIF format (12 kB) or
PostScript format (33 kB)
- Casing preparation drawing:
GIF format (14 kB) or
PostScript format (23 kB)
- Alignment tool for marking ground for drilling angled boreholes:
GIF format (10 kB) or
PostScript format (50 kB)
A more complete set of drawings is available upon request.
Driven Rod Monument
- Overall assembly drawing:
GIF format (16 kB)
PostScript format (77 kB)
- Details drawing:
GIF format (9 kB)
PostScript format (19 kB)
Hand Drilled Monument
- Overall assembly drawing:
GIF format (15 kB)
PostScript format (42 kB)
- Details drawing:
GIF format (12 kB)
PostScript format (22 kB)
Rock-Surface Elevated Monument
For Hector Mine Earthquake Array -- 11/99
- Welded leg-interconnection assembly:
GIF format (16 kB)
PostScript format (55 kB).
- Details drawing for legs.
GIF format (8 kB)
PostScript format (68 kB).
Wall Mount
- Overall assembly drawing:
GIF format (12 kB)
PostScript format (67 kB)
Precision Fixed Height Rod
(POGO: Precision Orthogonal Gps rOd)
- Overall assembly drawing:
GIF format (110 kB)
PostScript format (19 kB)
A complete set of plans is available upon request.
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